DANSKE TEGL var vært ved den internationale konference, Closing the Loop – Circular Economy challenges in Brick & Roof Tiles Industry.
DANSKE TEGL har inviteret den samlede europæiske teglbranche til København i år. Det betyder, at teglproducenter og brancheorganisationer fra hele Europa samles i to dage for at diskutere brancheaktuelle emner under overskriften ”Closing the Loop – Circular Economy challenges in Brick & Roof Tiles Industry”.
Med udgangspunkt i Regeringens initiativ til Advisory Board for Cirkulær Økonomi og den efterfølgende ”Strategi for Cirkulær Økonomi” leveres tre spændende oplæg til diskussionerne:
Building a circular future: the case for circular economy in the built environment
Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard, Head of Innovation at GXN/3XN:
In this talk Kåre Poulsgaard, Head of Innovation at 3XN Architects and GXN Innovation will discuss the case for circular economy in the built environment. Focusing on GXN’s advocacy work in Denmark and beyond, Kåre will talk about the new national Danish strategy for circular economy, it’s implications for the built environment, what still needs to be done, and why the circular economy is becoming everybody’s business.
Enhancing the longevity of ceramic building materials with circular economy
Abelone Køster, Section Manager Masonry at Teknologisk Institut:
The circular economy has the potential to ensure that the longevity of ceramics can be utilized, even if the building itself has a short lifespan. Abelone Køster, Product manager at Danish Technological Institute, will show how the newest technical solutions can underpin the circular economy and discuss what steps need to be taken.
Business potential and options for circular economy in the construction industry
Anders Lendager, Partner/Owner at LENDAGER Group Aps:
Economic and resource sustainability is not a contradiction. On the contrary, they are each other’s prerequisites and construction waste must be considered as a resource rather than a problem. Architect Anders Lendager has set himself the goal of finding a whole new approach and identifying opportunities.
I forlængelse af oplæggene vil det blive debatteret, hvilke udfordringer og muligheder, som branchen ser i forlængelse af den stigende fokus på cirkulær økonomi.
Torsdag den 12. september 2019 er arbejdsdag. Her afholdelse af en række tekniske møder med diskussioner om regler og standarder vedr. murværk, tagsten, energi og miljø mv., ligesom der afholdes bestyrelsesmøde.
Selve konferencen afholdes den 13. september i Skuespilhuset og afsluttes med en guidet tur til Københavns nye kvarter: Carlsberg Byen.
Den internationale konference som løber over to dage er et medlemsarrangementet for medlemmer af Tiles & Bricks Europe.
Samarbejdspartner: Tiles & Bricks Europe